
Hi! My Name Is Kenzo

Kenzo is a very friendly and active dog who gets along with all the adults and children he is in contact with. He is house trained and can be left out inside the home, with no people home, with no major concerns. He loves to lay on the couch with you and play fetch outside. He knows many commands and tricks of sit, stay, no, come, give me your paw, speak, and more. He is very anxious dog when you leave, and he does not like thunder or fireworks. He has one issue that our family is not able to get around and has become a major issue inside the home. Kenzo has a resource guarding behavior issue with the adult female in the home and it is now a daily occurrence. We tried a family trainer, but it did not correct the problem. Kenzo will growl and hover over any random item he can obtain and won't release it without myself coming home. Once the tiem is away from his gaurding, he returns to a loving dog to everyone in the home.
  • Plott HoundĀ  & Labrador RetrieverĀ 
  • Male
  • 5 Years OldMy DoB is 11/19/2019
  • 51 - 60 Pounds
  • Brindle & White
  • Active and Playful
  • I Like All Kids
  • I Like All Dogs
  • Not Tested With Cats
  • Not Tested With Small Animals
  • I Have Not Been Tested with Farm Animals
  • I'm Not Trained Yet
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